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Maharishi World Peace Movement Maharishi World Peace Movement

Maharishi Panchkarma

Nitrosomines cause cancer of liver, Stomach, brain, gall bladder, kidney etc. Dr. William Lijinsky of Nebraska University has observed this.

Asbestos, nickel and radioactive minerals may induce cancer.

Antibiotics like penicillin, pain killer like aspirin, butazolidin and other drugs like tofranil, topazole, methotrexae, and anti histamines are all carcinogenic and enter the body as slow poisons and have to be flushed out by Panchkarma procedures.

Research on Panchkarma

Physio-pathological purification that can remove the toxins from DNA level, system levels like cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal deep and superficial impurities, have to be flushed out.

Research Studies conducted under the divine guidance of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Ji and under supervision of research team including modern medicine and Ayurvedic experts in Europe and United State have observed that lipiolitic toxins like LDL and HDL Cholesterol have been found to have fallen considerably by Panchkarma eliminating and flushing procedures. Other cardiovascular, risk factors at intestinal peptide levels, blood pressure have also been brought down to normalcy. Further, in AIDS and malignancy cases it was found that the immune system products can modulate nervous system functions and that neurotransmitter of autonomic nervous system may have immune modulatory effect.

Balanced mental functioning can be regulated by Transcendental Meditation leading to development of higher states of consciousness.

Further it has been found that physiologically oriented measures operate directly on body but indirectly influence the mind and nervous system through interaction of the neuro endocryne immune system and autonomous nervous system due to concentration by Panchkarma detoxification methods & TM-Siddhi program.

Panchkarma Treatment

Panchkarma is the treatment that works at the root cause of health problems. It brings balance of Tri-Dosha as the key preventive management technology for lasting good health and as a powerful force for cure of diseases.

The word Panch means five. Karma is the procedures of treatment for cleansing the body, balancing the doshas, maintaining vitality and mential clarity and preventing early ageing. Panchkarma treatment is given in the form of Shaman and Shodhan method of treatment to calm vitiated doshas and imbalance.

Poorva Karma (Preparatory Procedure)

  • Pachan (to improve digestion)
  • Snehan (oleation by internal and external sesame oil application)
  • Sudation (the swedan)

Pradhan Panchkarma (Major Procedure)

  • Vaman (Emesis induced by herbs)
  • Virechan (Purgation)
  • Anuwasan Basti
  • Niruh Basti
  • Nasya (Nasal infiltration)

Note: Susruta, the famed ancient Ayur Vedic surgeon has indicated induced blood letting in some cases as fifth karma.

The vitiation of doshas that adhere deep into the tissue have to be softened to loosen that material and to have them displaced. They are treated with smothering oleation internally, and externally as well as a further step of flushing out.

After Snehan, heat fomentation procedures are applied for displacement of the unhealthy matter

Maharishi World Peace Movement